Wednesday, October 16, 2019

On October 16, 2019 CNN News published an article over Donald Trump announcing that our U.S military should not be involved in a war over land because it does not include us anymore.

This article was written by Zachary Cohen and Maegan Vazquez

The reporters talk about Trump's statement that the U.S military has nothing to do with the land the Kurds are fighting for. They also talk about Trump's statement of how the Kurds are not angels. They make another statement that the Kurds are not safe as Trump claims they are. I agree with the reporters, because even though the U.S military is no longer involved over them fighting for land, it does not mean they are safe since they are still at war trying to win over that land. Lastly, Cohen and Vazquez claim that Trump is lying over the removal of the U.S military in the Middle East. Instead they say that they are just being redeployed in other parts of the Middle East. If that is true, I would agree that it can cause the U.S to create new enemies instead of being at peace. The reason why it would result in the Kurds being our enemies is because they would think the U.S military abandoned them, when in reality they never left the Middle East. 
Overall, I would say that the reporters do not agree with the way Donald Trump is handling this situation, especially because citizens of the Middle East fear the reorganization of ISIS. Once again I would agree with the this article and the reporters who wrote it. 

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