Tuesday, December 10, 2019

In The lovely US Government , informed us of the importance of the environment in our World. If we want more generations to continue we have to start taking action in order to make that possible.
By: Daniela Garcia

In the past years the world has experienced a drastic change. Like Estrella mentions, the wildlife has been affected the most. Many animals struggle with maintaining one home due to the fact that humans destroy everything we touch. Global warming has started to affect the Earth causing natural disasters all over the world. 

It was interesting to read how now the Government has started to try and help resolve the damage we have done to the Earth. In my opinion, I believe it will cost a lot of money to detox all the damage we have done. It would be nice to see all of us citizens try and make a better place for us and our future generations to live.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Importance of DACA :
By Daniela Garcia

DACA was created in 2012, allowing many children who have been brought to the United States to have an opportunity to stay in the US for a better life. It allows them to work and attend school. But ever since Donald Trump became president he constantly talks about the removal of DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals).

There are multiple reasons why DACA should remain available for the children who are undocumented. With the Dream Act it opens an opportunity for these kids to obtain their citizenship.   Most of these kids were brought to this country which has become their only home which is why I believe they deserve a citizenship. With DACA they have an opportunity to work and have a better way of living. For a better future is the reason why they were brought into this country.

In order to be able to obtain DACA they have to go through several steps and requirements. It is not easy, in fact it is an extremely long process! The Dream Act is given to those who truly deserve to remain in this country. There are dates you have to meet in order to qualify. They must also have a clean record and actually have good intentions for this country.

Terminating DACA would be an abuse of the executive branch, but clearly the Trump Administration does not seem to care. It would also destroy many of these Dreamers goals, leaving them with no choice but to return to a country which they are not familiar with.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

In Estrella's Blog, " Lovely US Government "  she made a blog over the reasons why Donald Trump should be impeached. 

I completely agree with her reasoning to the impeachment of Donald Trump. She made some really good statements that make you reflect on all the choices Trump has made ever since he became the president of the United States. She provides useful examples of how he puts his own needs before anyone else's.

Trump has been in many scandalous scenarios ever since he became a president. He does not face the consequences to his actions. I also agree with her statement of how Trump makes women seem like they are not as equal as men. It is unfair because women should be treated the same as men. Overall, her blog over Trump's impeachment makes you view his decisions a different way making you agree with her thoughts.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Living Undocumented 

By: Daniela Garcia
I would understand if the people who were being deported would-be criminals, but deporting people because they do not have documentation saying they belong to this country? Deporting undocumented people seems harsh and cruel. Especially because most of those people are here for only one reason, which is to succeed in life and give their family a better future. Many come to live the "American Dream" and to find a better way of living. Many fled their country due to the amount of violence there is. Their citizens are killing each other, robbing and way worse. Others simply just want a better future for their kids, so they do not have to go through what they did.

Yes, many say why not enter the country the right way? But in reality what they do not know is how long the process is, it takes up to many years. Some do not qualify to apply for a residence, due to the requirements.

The people who work for construction are the ones who are mainly undocumented. They have to go through the heat and cold just to obtain money to help their family. They are the ones willing to do all the heavy work as long as they succeed. Women as well find a way to progress in life by cleaning or simply selling food to help out at home.

Between 14,000 to 18,000 undocumented people have been detained in just 2019. They are put in detention where the living conditions are horrible. There are no hygiene products, and sleeping conditions or any good food provided. Now kids are living in these conditions as well due to their parents being detained or deported.

Overall, I believe that criminals should be the ones to get deported since they are not doing any good for this country. People who are just trying to live a better life should not be targeted.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

On October 16, 2019 CNN News published an article over Donald Trump announcing that our U.S military should not be involved in a war over land because it does not include us anymore.

Friday, September 20, 2019

On September 20, NewYorkTimes published an article over people from El Salvador citizens seeking help from the United States. It also includes what our president did to resolve this problem.

This article is important because it informs us how people try and seek for help from the United States. The people from El Salvador fear living their country due to all the violence happening there. 

El Salvador is known for the most violence country ever. Their homicide rates are extremely high due to all the violence happening around. The Trump administration signed an agreement with the government to allow deportation to those who cross from El Salvador to the United States. Although there will be asylums built for Salvadorians to seek protection. In my opinion I think it is important that we help those good people seeking for help. If we were in their shoes we would want the help as well. Everyone expects to feel protected at their own home, but the people in El Salvador do not feel safe at all. We should all take care of one another to make the world a better place!